NORoS - No Ring of Steel Kyle of Sutherland
NORoS, which stands for ‘No Ring of Steel’, is a volunteer group formed, initially, in response to the threat of wind turbines encircling the village of Rosehall in central Sutherland. Members and supporters of NORoS understand the reality and immediacy of climate change and appreciate that renewable energy is an essential part of countering the crisis we face. At the same time we believe that the unprecedented number of energy developments which have been proposed for one small strath (or valley), in an area which encompasses a designated Special Area of Conservation and pristine rivers, is an emergency of its own and a significant threat to the environment and biodiversity in the Highlands. In recent months many residents in other villages along the shores of the Kyle of Sutherland have become alarmed at the proliferation of new proposals which would dominate the area and affect diverse aspects of local life, including tourism and employment. In response we have adapted our scope and our name to NORoS-KOS (Kyle of Sutherland).
Latest Update
The Allt an Tuir wind farm has now entered the planning process and the EIA is available via the following link
Objections must be lodged by 28th March.
For information and guidelines on how to lodge objections, click on Guidance for Objections tab. There you will find:
- background information
- possible grounds for objection which you might like to consider
- key things to remember for your objection to be valid and effective